Direct Download
You can download a tarball of the latest version of galpak (1.35.2) here :
- galpak_1.33.2.tar.gz
- galpak_1.34.0.tar.gz
- galpak_1.35.0.tar.gz
- galpak_1.35.1.tar.gz
- galpak_1.35.2.tar.gz
Install & Dependencies
Change log
1.35.2 2024-12-27
- fix MAP option
- fix write_to cube with MaskedArray
- fix nanmax for SNR
1.35.0 2024-12-24
- python 3.11 compatibility
- python 3.7+ required
- astropy 6.0 compatibility writer
- remove circular import
- gaussian prior for mcmc (gprior)
- changes to AdaptiveCauchy
- fix logging issues
1.34.0 2024-01-18
- astropy 6.0 compatibility
- bug fix corner plot with pandas
1.33.2 2023-04-17
- python 3.8,3.10 compatibility
1.33.0 2022-10-08
- astropy 5.1 compatibility
- default AdaptiveCauchy for run API
1.32.2 2022-07-25
- proper thickness normalization for thickness_profile
- fix bug zcrop in plot_images
1.32.0 2022-02-01
- added MAOPPY PSF fitter; updates from maoppy version 1.5.0
- added MAOPPY PSF from
1.31.0 2021-07-26
- bug fix in handling PSF centering. Consequence of 0.5 pixel shifts if even spaxels
- bug fix in handling LSF centering. Consequence of 0.5 pixel shifts if even array
1.30.6 2021-06-16
- bug fix in handling manual variance
1.30.5 2021-05-13
- bug fix in read_model
- save input filenames in run.txt
- multinest outpath option
- added tests
1.30 2020-10-06
- revamped test suite
- better import handling with src/
- few minor bug fixes
- Now available on pypi
1.29 2020-09-10
- bug in read instrument Generic
1.28 2020-05-03
- bug in colormap for true/obs_maps
1.27 2020-04-03
- bug in read_instrument .txt for ALMA
- bug in PA circularization
- better handling pixscale in instruments
1.24 2020-02-24
- change Vmin/Vmax;
- handling circularity pa improvement
- revamped api
- bug fix map indices as floats; impact only for compact galaxies
- NEW option to use flux user-defined map ; as string or ndarray
- NEW option mcmc_sampling to use combo walkers+Cauchy with Emcee doc
- NEW option mcmc_sampling AdaptiveCauchy to adapt Cauchy sampling automatically doc
- NEW option mcmc_method to use multinest doc
- revamped EMCEE (>3.0 only) with mixed Cauchy and StretchMove sampling law
1.20 2019-10-21
- NEW option mcmc_method to use emcee MH or walkers doc
- NEW method_chain option MAP (Maximum A Posteriori)
- NEW added BIC, AIC compute_stats method
- NEW string parser to read/write Model in a CONFIG file doc
- NEW string parser to read/write Instrument in a CONFIG file doc
- more robust handling of nan
- better obs_maps convolution with astropy fft
- added default lsf(lambda) for MUSE
- plot_correlation removed / use plot_corner
- plot_mcmc saved for both sorted and unsorted
- removed chain error maps
1.16.0 2019-07-15
- added Freeman, NFW, Burkert, Spano doc
- revamped model_class
- added boundaries limits to plot_mcmc
- bug fix in convolution when some pixels are nan
1.14.0 2019-07-05
- fix bug in display Mdyn
- fix API logger autorun
- fix bug in display obs_maps (removed moment_maps) using Epinat+2010
1.12.0 2019-04-28
- fix bug in PSF PA
1.11.0 2019-04-05
- New autorun in api to autotune random_scale doc
- New HARMONI class
- added model utilities plot_vprofile & plot_SBprofile
- added cosmology method to model class (Experimental)
- New Extentions class for V22, dvdx
1.10.2 2019-04-02
- save geweke convergence into convergence.dat doc
1.10.1 2019-03-14
- plot geweke diagnostic added
- added error maps
- bug in test reference
- bug when using noLineSpreadFunction
1.10 -- 2019-02-09
- python >3.5 full compatibility
- revamped test suites
- slight improved performances diskmodel / psfextrude
1.9.1 -- 2018-08-01
- bug fix in plot_corner if corner not present
- fix small issue in obs/true maps
1.9.0 -- 2018-04-13
- bug fix in xy_step from cube when RA/Dec not co-aligned with pixels
- enforcing Vmax>0, PA [0, 360]
- improvements on h step
- moved disk calculations to NEW model class DiskModel
- moved line to model class
- added best chi2 in output
1.8.8 -- 2018-03-18
- Generic instrument added default spaxel & cdelt sizes
- fix significant bug in 'mass' rotation_curve for exponential profiles
- added Sersic n=2 flux_profile as 'sersicN2'
- ensured compatibility with numpy >= 1.14
- ensured compatibility with Python3
- improvements in doc on parameter meaning
1.8.7 -- 2018-02-16
- added as_vector and as_table methods to GalaxyParameters class.
- added tutorial info on rereading chains/parameters.
- fixed bug in PA handling around +/-180 using circular statistics
- migrated from asciitable to
- added corner plot
- added tutorial info regarding other statistics [expiremental]
- fixed bug in Vmax min/max boundaries (enforcing they be equal)
1.8.6 -- 2018-01-28
- updates to tutorial regarding variance input
- major overall of variance handling
- fix verbose bug in run api.
1.8.5 -- 2017-09-12 (formally 1.9.1)
- fixed handling of variance
1.8.4 -- 2017-07-13 (formally 1.9.0)
- fixed a few ident and \t issues
- fixed api
- updated tutorial example
- update
1.8.3 -- 2017-04-10
- allow either alpha or FWHM for MOFFAT; both in arcsec
1.8.2 -- 2017-03-21
- Fixed minor bugs when both CD3_3 and CDELT3 present
- Added FWHM to MOFFAT PSF; moved MOFFAT alpha to arcsec
1.8.1 -- 2017-02-15
- Fixed several minor bugs in plot_true_maps and plot_obs_maps (added slit)
1.8.0 -- 2017-02-13
- Fixed a major bug for compact galaxies (a RunTime error div 0) which lead to occasional Chi2=0, and reduced length of chains
- Improved MUSELineSpreadFunction LSF handling (FWHM computed from moments)
1.7.1 -- 2017-02-09
- Fixed a bug with writeto with MaskedArrays in Hyperspectral
- Allow the possibility to set Cube.var=None to force the variance out
1.7.0 -- 2016-07-14
- Fixed a bug in observed moment & dispersion maps for line singlets ; convolved_cube unaffected
1.6.8 -- 2016-05-23
- Fixed a bug in saving chain
- Fixed a bug in syntax boolean check for psf from an image (and re-normalized)
- Fixed a bug in observed moment & dispersion maps for line doublets; convolved_cube unaffected
1.6.7 -- 2016-03-30
- Fixed a bug for 'observed moment maps' for saved observed maps.fits
1.6.6 -- 2016-03-17
- Fixed a bug for 'observed moment maps' for doublets like OII
1.6.5 -- 2016-03-02
- Added support to save 'observed moment maps'
1.6.4 -- 2016-01-16
- minor bug fix in api; swap orders in get_steps
1.6.3 -- 201508-25
- Added support for Poisson statistics
1.6.2 -- 2015-08-19
- Adding ISOthermal rotation curve
1.6.1 -- 2015-07-08
- minor bug fixes
1.6.0 -- 2015-05-28
- change max_boundaries for the 1/2 light radius to 3/8th of cube_size in pixels [was set to 4"]
- bug fix at the central pixel of the model [showed up when half-light radius is very small < 2pixels]
- remove hidden call with atpy to asciitable
- updated tutorial with file used in paper.
- fix issues with
- fix small issues with custom PSF images
1.5.0 -- 2015-05-15
- Add a
. - Implement
tasks (for developer only):doit website
, or justdoit
, to rebuild the whole website.doit tarball
, to rebuild the distributed tarball.doit publish
to upload the website to the remote server.doit all
to do it all: doc, tarball, website, publication
- Fix the test suite, which is now ran with the simple
1.4.7 -- 2015-05-11
- Added upper/lower confidence intervals on galaxy parameters from custom percentiles [default = 95%]. (specified with percentile parameter to run_mcmc)
- Make
. - Add
[profile perpendicular to disk]gaussian
. - Add a
1.4.6 -- 2015-02-19
- Revert to anti-clockwise for
. - Fix minor bug in min/max boundaries.
1.4.5 -- 2014-12-24
- Add support for hyperbolic rotation curve
1.4.4 -- 2014-12-20
- Change the default chain fraction to 60%.
1.4.3 -- 2014-12-15
- Add a generic
with no defaults. - Fix a bug introduced in 1.4.1 for
1.4.2 -- 2014-12-12
- Add
Instrument support. - Revamp the documentation.
1.4.1 -- 2014-12-10
- Improve support of
. - Fix a bug introduced with
1.3.0 -- 2014-12-09
- Add
Instrument support.
1.2.0 -- 2014-11-01
- Add
video generator.
1.1.3 -- 2014-10-22
- Add
. - Add
. - Removed interpolation on velocity plots.
1.1.2 -- 2014-10-17
- Fix issue with
image origin. - Update the documentation.
1.1.1 -- 2014-10-13
- Add
accessor alias. - Fix matplotlib's "math domain error" issue that happened in various plots.
1.1.0 -- 2014-10-10
- Easen the process of adding a new
1.0.4 -- 2014-10-01
- Add support for
header card. - Add
as output. - Minor edits.
1.0.2 -- 2014-09-09
- Add support for OII/OIII/SII doublets (and others).
1.0.1 -- 2014-07-07
- Bugfixes.
- More bugfixes.
- Website
1.0.0 -- 2014-05-05
- Initial release of galpak.