GalPaK v1.35.2


Alternative 3D algorithms

Other 3D algorithms have been developped recently such as

  • DYSMALPy: DysmalPy (DYnamical Simulation and Modelling ALgorithm in PYthon) is a Python-based forward modeling code designed for analyzing galaxy kinematics originally inspired by Reinhard Genzel’s DISDYN program (e.g., Tacconi et al. 1994), maintained at MPE, and extends the IDL-based DYSMAL fitting models introduced in previous works (Davies et al. 2011).
  • CONDOR: CONDOR is a kinematic fitting code that finds the best kinematic model of a rotating disk galaxy by combining its high- and low-resolution velocity fields, which is optimized for data acquired with facilities that use adaptive optics (AO) suchs as OSIRIS (Keck) and SINFONI (VLT).
  • TiRiFic : Old gipsy code from the Groningen team from Jozsa et al. 2007;
  • 3DBarollo : A 3D tilded ring model with PSF kernel from Di Deodoro & Fraternali 2015;
  • GBKFIT : 3D model with GPU based fitting without a PSF kernel from Bekiaris, Glazebrook et al. 2016
  • DYSMAL : Davies et al. 2011
  • Blobby3D(UNVAILABLE) : non-parameteric flux (multi-gaussian) with parametric V(r) from Varidel et al. 2019 using DNEST4 sampler from Brewer et al. 2018;
  • UNAVAILABLE: A 3D model with parametric V(r) and with lensing Rizzo et al. 2018;
  • UNAVAILABLE: A hybrid 2D approach on maps with lensing Patricio et al. 2018;
  • UNAVAILABLE: A non-parametric algorithm for 1D rotation curves Hernandez et al. 2019