# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from astropy.io import fits
import mpdaf
except ImportError:
import logging
# This file contains the PointSpreadFunction and LineSpreadFunction interfaces
# as well as some basic implementations of these interfaces :
# - Gaussian PSF
# - Moffat PSF
# - Gaussian LSF
# - MUSE LSF (only if mpdaf module is available)
# The instrument will use both 2D PSF and 1D LSF
# to create a 3D PSF with which it will convolve the cubes.
## POINT SPREAD FUNCTIONS ######################################################
[docs]class PointSpreadFunction:
This is the interface all Point Spread Functions (PSF) should implement.
logger = logging.getLogger('GalPaK: PSF')
[docs] def as_image(self, for_cube):
Should return this PSF as a 2D image shaped [for_cube].
for_cube: HyperspectralCube
Has additional properties computed and attributed by GalPaK :
- xy_step (in ")
- z_step (in µm)
- z_central (in µm)
:rtype: ndarray
raise NotImplementedError()
def _radius(self, xo, yo, x, y):
Computes the radii, taking into account the variance and the elliptic shape
dx = xo - x
dy = yo - y
# Rotation matrix around z axis
# R(90)=[[0,1],[-1,0]] so anti-clock-wise y -> x & x -> -y
radian_pa = np.radians(self.pa)
dx_p = dx * np.cos(radian_pa) + dy * np.sin(radian_pa)
dy_p = -dx * np.sin(radian_pa) + dy * np.cos(radian_pa)
return np.sqrt(dx_p ** 2 / self.ba ** 2+ dy_p ** 2 )
class NoPointSpreadFunction(PointSpreadFunction):
A point spread function that does not spread anything, and returns the cube unchanged.
Passing this to the instrument's psf is the same as passing None.
def __init__(self):
def as_image(self, for_cube):
Return the identity PSF, chock-full of ones.
shape = for_cube.shape[1:]
return np.ones(shape)
class ImagePointSpreadFunction(PointSpreadFunction):
A custom point spread function using a provided 2D image
that should have the same shape as the cube's (x,y) and
centroid should be at
xo = (shape[1] - 1) / 2 - (shape[1] % 2 - 1)
yo = (shape[0] - 1) / 2 - (shape[0] % 2 - 1)
def __init__(self, image_psf):
accepts fits file or ndarray
if isinstance(image_psf, str):
self.filename = image_psf
my_image = fits.open(image_psf)
if my_image['PRIMARY'].data is not None:
image_2d = my_image['PRIMARY'].data
self.header = my_image['PRIMARY'].header
elif my_image['DATA'].data is not None:
image_2d = my_image['DATA'].data
self.header = my_image['DATA'].header
elif isinstance(image_psf, np.ndarray):
image_2d = image_psf
self.filename = str(image_psf.__class__)
self.header = None
elif mpdaf_there:
if isinstance(image_psf, mpdaf.obj.Image):
self.logger.info('Provided image is a Image object')
self.header = image_psf.data_header
image_2d = image_psf.data.data
self.filename = image_psf.filename
raise ValueError(' PSF provided is not a fits file nor an array !!')
self.logger.info( "Normalizing PSF image")
self.image_2d = image_2d / image_2d.sum()
if isinstance(self.image_2d,np.ndarray) is False:
raise ValueError(' PSF provided could not be stored in an ndarray')
if len(self.image_2d.shape)!=2:
raise ValueError(' PSF provided is not a 2D image')
def as_image(self, for_cube):
#check for size
if for_cube.shape[1:] != self.image_2d.shape:
raise ValueError(' PSF Image and cube have different sizes: %s vs. %s' % (str(for_cube.shape[1:]),str(self.image_2d.shape)) )
return self.image_2d
def __str__(self):
return """[PSF] :
type = custom
image_psf = {i.filename}""".format(i=self)
[docs]class GaussianPointSpreadFunction(PointSpreadFunction):
The default Gaussian Point Spread Function.
fwhm: float
Full Width Half Maximum in arcsec, aka. "seeing".
pa: float [default is 0.]
Position Angle of major-axis, anti-clockwise rotation from Y-axis, in angular degrees.
ba: float [default is 1.0]
Axis ratio of the ellipsis, b/a ratio (y/x).
def __init__(self, fwhm=None, pa=0, ba=1.0):
self.fwhm = fwhm
self.pa = pa
self.ba = ba
def __str__(self):
return """[PSF] :
type = Gaussian
fwhm = {i.fwhm} "
pa = {i.pa} °
ba = {i.ba}""".format(i=self)
[docs] def as_image(self, for_cube, xo=None, yo=None):
shape = for_cube.shape[1:]
if xo is None:
xo = (shape[1] - 1) / 2 #center of array
#force PSF to be centered on even grid by adding 0.5pixel if even
#because of the upcoming padding in the convolution
xo = xo - (shape[1] % 2 - 1) /2
if yo is None:
yo = (shape[0] - 1) / 2 #center of array
# force PSF to be centered on even grid by adding 0.5pixel if even
# because of the upcoming padding in the convolution
yo = yo - (shape[0] % 2 - 1) /2
self.logger.info("Generating PSF at x0,y0 (%s,%s)" % (xo,yo))
y, x = np.indices(shape)
r = self._radius(xo, yo, x, y)
fwhm = self.fwhm / for_cube.xy_step #in pixels
psf = np.exp(-0.5 * (r / (fwhm / 2.35482)) ** 2)
return psf / psf.sum()
[docs]class MoffatPointSpreadFunction(PointSpreadFunction):
The Moffat Point Spread Function
fwhm if alpha is None: float [in arcsec]
Moffat's distribution fwhm variable : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moffat_distribution
alpha if fwhm is None: float [in arcsec]
Moffat's distribution alpha variable : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moffat_distribution
beta: float
Moffat's distribution beta variable : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moffat_distribution
pa: float [default is 0.]
Position Angle of major-axis, the anti-clockwise rotation from Y,
in angular degrees.
ba: float [default is 1.0]
Axis ratio of the ellipsis, b/a ratio (y/x).
def __init__(self, fwhm=None, alpha=None, beta=None, pa=0, ba=1):
self.beta = beta
self.pa = pa
self.ba = ba
self.alpha = alpha
self.fwhm = fwhm
if not ((alpha is None) or (fwhm is None)):
self.logger.warning("Moffat psf: alpha and fwhm are both specified. Will use alpha. ")
elif ((alpha is None) and (fwhm is None)):
raise Exception("Moffat psf: alpha and fwhm are not specified. Need at least one.")
self.alpha = alpha
self.fwhm = fwhm
if fwhm is None:
self.fwhm = self.calculate_fwhm()
if alpha is None:
self.alpha = self.calculate_alpha()
if self.pa is None:
raise Exception("Moffat error: please set P.A. 'pa'")
if self.ba is None:
raise Exception("Moffat error: please set axis ratio b/a 'ba'")
if self.beta is None:
raise Exception("Moffat error: please set beta parameter")
def __str__(self):
return """[PSF] :
type = Moffat
fwhm = {i.fwhm} "
alpha = {i.alpha} "
beta = {i.beta}
pa = {i.pa} °
ba = {i.ba}""".format(i=self)
[docs] def as_image(self, for_cube, xo=None, yo=None):
shape = for_cube.shape[1:]
if xo is None:
xo = (shape[1] - 1) / 2 #center of array
#force PSF to be centered on even grid by adding 0.5pixel if even
#because of the upcoming padding in the convolution
xo = xo - (shape[1] % 2 - 1) /2
if yo is None:
yo = (shape[0] - 1) / 2 #center of array
# force PSF to be centered on even grid by adding 0.5pixel if even
# because of the upcoming padding in the convolution
yo = yo - (shape[0] % 2 - 1) /2
self.logger.info("Generating PSF at x0,y0 (%s,%s)" % (xo,yo))
y, x = np.indices(shape)
r = self._radius(xo, yo, x, y)
pix_alpha = self.alpha / for_cube.xy_step
psf = (1. + (r / pix_alpha) ** 2) ** (-self.beta)
return psf / psf.sum()
def calculate_fwhm(self):
fwhm = self.alpha * (2. * np.sqrt(2. ** (1. / self.beta) - 1))
return fwhm
def calculate_alpha(self):
alpha = self.fwhm / (2. * np.sqrt(2. ** (1. / self.beta) - 1))
return alpha
import maoppy
RAD2ARCSEC = maoppy.utils.RAD2ARCSEC
from maoppy.psfmodel import Psfao, oversample
from maoppy.psffit import psffit
from maoppy.instrument import muse_nfm,muse_wfm
from maoppy.utils import circavgplt,circavg
logging.info("Found package Maoppy version {}".format(maoppy.__version__))
class CommonMeta(type(PointSpreadFunction), type(maoppy.psfmodel.Psfao)):
class MAOPPYPointSpreadFunction(type(maoppy.psfmodel.Psfao), type(PointSpreadFunction), metaclass=CommonMeta):
This class uses the MAOPPY PSF profile described by Fetick et al.
Fetick et al. (2019, A&A, 628, A99)
def __init__(self, r0=0.2, C=1e-7, amp=0.9, alpha=0.05, ba=1, pa=0, beta=2.0, wvl_um=None, mode=None, Lext=10., fixed_k=None):
Initialize a new instance of the MAOPPY PSF.
There are some differences in the parameter set of the MAOPPY PSF that
is used by PampelMuse compared to the paper by Fetick et al. (2019).:
1) The parameters C (the AO-corrected phase PSD background) and A (the
residual variance) have been renamed to `C` and `amp`.
2) Instead of defining two values for the effective radius of the
Moffat, alpha_x and alpha_y, a single value `alpha` is used in
combination with an ellipticity `e`.
r0 : float, optional
The Fried parameter, given in units of [m].
C : float, optional
The AO-corrected phase PSD background, given in units of
[m^2 rad^2].
amp : float, optional
The residual variance, given in units of [rad^2].
alpha : float, optional
The effective radius of the Moffat profile, given in units of
ba : float, optional
The Moffat ellipticity
pa: float, optional
The Moffat angle [degree]
beta: float, optional
The Moffat beta powerlaw
wvl_um : float, optional
The wavelength of the observation, given in units of [micron].
[ no default ]
The newly defined instance.
# oversampling of the PSF on the PampelMuse level is not supported, because MAOPPY performs its
# own oversampling when computing a PSF profile.
# call initializer of parent class.
#super(MAOPPYPointSpreadFunction, self).__init__(uc=uc, vc=vc, mag=mag, **kwargs)
self.param_name_gpk = ['r0', 'C', 'amp', 'alpha', 'ba', 'theta', 'beta']
#Maoppy Psfao
# ["r0","bck","amp","alpha","ratio","theta","beta"]
# initial parameter definitions
self.r0 = r0
self.C = C
self.amp = amp
self.alpha = alpha
self.ba = ba
self.pa = pa #in degrees
self.theta = np.radians(pa) #in radians
self.beta = beta
self.flux = flux #in erg/s/cm2/AA
self.mAB = mAB
self.wvl_um = wvl_um
self.mode = mode
self.image_2d = None
npix = (10, 10) # will be modified in 'as_image'
samp = 2.0 # will be modified in 'as_image'
if mode == 'MUSE_WFM':
system = muse_wfm
elif mode == 'MUSE_NFM':
system = muse_nfm
raise ValueError('Maoppy Mode Not valid. Set mode to MUSE_WFM or MUSE_NFM')
super().__init__(npix, system=system, lext=Lext, samp=samp, fixed_k=fixed_k)
self.param = [self.r0, self.C, self.amp, self.alpha, self.ba, self.theta, self.beta]
def __str__(self):
return """[PSF] :
type = Maoppy
mode = {i.mode}
r0 = {i.r0} [m]
C = {i.C}
amp = {i.amp} [rad^2]
fwhm = {i.fwhm} "
alpha = {i.alpha} [m^-1]
beta = {i.beta}
pa = {i.pa} °
ba = {i.ba}
flux = {i.flux} [erg/s/cm2/AA]
mAB = {i.mAB}
wvl_um = {i.wvl_um} [micron]""".format(i=self)
def set_p(self, p ):
r0, C, A, alpha, ratio, theta, beta = p
self.param = [self.r0, self.C, self.amp, self.alpha, self.ba, self.theta, self.beta]
def as_image(self, for_cube, xo=None, yo=None):
Return PSFAO as a 2D image shaped [for_cube].
for_cube: HyperspectralCube
Has additional properties computed and attributed by GalPaK :
- xy_step (in ")
- z_step (in µm) -> not used here...
- z_central (in µm)
:rtype: ndarray
self.shape = self.npix = shape = for_cube.shape[1:] ##must be npix for re-use by Maoppy
if xo is None:
xo = (shape[1] - 1) / 2 # center of array
# force PSF to be centered on odd grid by adding 0.5pixel if even
# because of the upcoming padding in the convolution
xo = xo - (shape[1] % 2 - 1) / 2
if yo is None:
yo = (shape[0] - 1) / 2 # center of array
# force PSF to be centered on odd grid by adding 0.5pixel if even
# because of the upcoming padding in the convolution
yo = yo - (shape[0] % 2 - 1) / 2
self.logger.info("Generating PSF at x0,y0 (%s,%s)" % (xo, yo))
self.center = (xo, yo)
self.system._rsolution_rad = for_cube.xy_step / RAD2ARCSEC
if 'angstr' in for_cube.z_cunit.lower():
wvl_um = for_cube.z_central / 1e4
elif 'micron' in for_cube.z_cunit.lower():
wvl_um = for_cube.z_central
elif 'nm' in for_cube.z_cunit.lower():
wvl_um = for_cube.z_central / 1e3
raise NotImplementedError("Cube units not supported")
self.samp = self.system.samp(wvl_um * 1e-6)
if self.wvl_um is not None:
self.logger.info("Computing PSF at {} from {}".format(wvl_um,self.wvl_um))
ww = wvl_um/self.wvl_um # wavelength ratio
ww = 1.0
r0,C,A,alpha,ratio,theta,beta = self.param
# see Fetick's papers
p = [r0*ww**(6./5.),C*ww**(-2),A*ww**(-2),alpha,ratio,theta,beta]
self.wvl_um = wvl_um
dx = 0 #-(1 - self.shape[1] % 2) / 2
dy = 0 #-(1 - self.shape[0] % 2) / 2
self.image_2d = self.__call__(p, dx=dx, dy=dy)
return self.image_2d
def calculate_fwhm(self):
Estimate and return the FWHM of the MAOPPY PSF profile for a given
set of parameters.
To estimate the FWHM, the method creates the MAOPPY PSF on a 2dim.
grid, then determines the symmetric radial profile, and tries to
obtain the radii where the intensity drops to half its central value
using univariate spline interpolation.
fwhm : float
The FWHM of the MAOPPY PSF for the given input parameters.
if self.image_2d is not None:
psf = self.image_2d
r, fr = circavgplt(psf)
f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(r, fr - fr.max() / 2.) #why psf? should be fr
roots = f.roots()
if len(roots) != 2:
self.logger.error("Could not estimate FWHM of MAOPPY profile.")
return np.nan
return roots.max() - roots.min()
return None
def fwhm(self):
fwhm : float
The FWHM of the MAOPPY PSF profile with the given parameters.
fwhm = MAOPPYPointSpreadFunction.calculate_fwhm(self)
if fwhm is not None:
return fwhm * self.system._resolution_rad * RAD2ARCSEC
return fwhm
def strehl(self):
strehl : float
The Strehl ratio for the current set of parameters.
#psf = self.Psfao(npix=(30, 30), system=self.muse_nfm, samp=self.muse_nfm.samp(self.wvl))
return self.strehlOTF((self.r0, self.C, self.amp, self.alpha, self.ba, self.pa, self.beta))
# Analytical calculation based on eq. 14 from the paper by Fetick et al. (2019). This seems to underestimate
# the Strehl significantly for NFM data.
# f_ao = muse_nfm.Nact/(2.*muse_nfm.D)
# return np.exp(-self.amp - self.bck*np.pi*(f_ao**2) - (0.023*6.*np.pi*(self.r0*f_ao)**(-5./3.))/5.)
def show_psf(self, filename=None):
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
if self.image_2d is not None:
fig = plt.figure(1)
plt.title("PSF maoppy")
r,prof = circavgplt(self.image_2d)
plt.title("Profile ")
plt.xlabel('f [1/m]')
if filename is not None:
return fig
self.logger.error(" Maoppy PSF empty. Must run tthe method as_image(cube) before")
def set_bounds(self, Model, bounds_dict):
:param bounds_dict: dictionnary of tuples
#looping over parameters as defined in model Class
for i,p in enumerate(self.param_name_gpk):
#assumes parameters in same order!
if p in bounds_dict.keys():
Model.bounds[0][i] = bounds_dict[p][0]
Model.bounds[1][i] = bounds_dict[p][1]
return Model
def fitter(self, psf_image, parameters=['r0', 'amp', 'ba', 'theta'], weights=None, \
fit_background=True, positive_bck = False, guess=None, bounds_dict=None):
psf : 2D-sequence of floats
The psfimage (2D)
parameters : list of strings
The names of the PSF parameters that should be optimized during
the fit.
default ['r0', 'amp', 'ba', 'theta']
for AO use: ['r0', 'amp', 'ba', 'theta', 'alpha', 'beta']
for AO full :['r0', 'amp', 'ba', 'theta, ' alpha', 'beta', 'C']
Mind that the other parameters are taken from self
weights : 2D-sequence of floats
The weights for the pixels on which the PSF profile is
fit_background : bool, optional
Flag indicating if a constant background component should be
included in the PSF fit.
from .convolution import padding
psf_padded, boxpsf = padding(psf_image) #padding to even box size
import collections
FitResult = collections.namedtuple(
['names', 'x0', 'best_fit', 'errors', 'cost', 'flux', 'background', 'centroid', 'success', 'psf', 'residuals', 'message'])
ron = self.system.ron
if weights is None:
weights = np.ones_like(psf_image) / ron**2
weights, _ = padding(weights)
#parameters to fit
if parameters is None:
parameters = self.param_name_gpk
self.logger.info("MAOPPY PSF fit: setting up fitting with {:d} parameters {}".format(len(parameters),parameters))
# %% Initialize PSF model
samp = self.system.samp(self.wvl_um * 1e-6) # sampling (2.0 for Shannon-Nyquist)
self.logger.info("MAOPPY PSF fit: instanciation of Psfao")
Pmodel = Psfao(psf_padded.shape, system=self.system, samp=samp)
# define fixed parameters
fixed = np.ones(len(self.param_name_gpk), dtype=bool)
x0 = []
for i, parameter in enumerate(self.param_name_gpk):
if parameter in parameters:
fixed[i] = False
# axis ratio is fitted instead of ellipticity
if guess is None:
self.logger.info("MAOPPY: fitter: using initial x0 from self.parameters")
x0.append(getattr(self, parameter))
not_fitted = np.array(self.param_name_gpk)[self.fixed]
self.logger.info("MAOPPY fit: parameters fixed: {}".format(not_fitted))
if bounds_dict is not None:
self.logger.info("MAOPPY fit: setting bounds with {}".format(bounds_dict))
Pmodel = self.set_bounds(Pmodel, bounds_dict)
# %% Fit the PSF with Psfao
self.logger.info("MAOPPY fitting: mode = {}; option fit_background={} positive={} ".format(self.mode, fit_background, positive_bck ))
fitresult = psffit(psf_padded, Pmodel, self.guess, weights=weights, fixed=self.fixed, \
flux_bck = (True, fit_background), positive_bck = positive_bck, npixfit = None )
J = fitresult.jac
cov = np.linalg.inv(J.T.dot(J))
_idx = (fixed==False).cumsum()
for i, p in enumerate(self.param_name_gpk):
if p in parameters:
values[p] = fitresult.x[self.param_name_gpk.index(p)]
_ii = _idx[self.param_name_gpk.index(p)]
errors[p] = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov))[_ii]
elif fixed[i]==True:
values[p] = x0[i]
errors[p] = 0
raise Exception
bestfit_model = fitresult.psf
residuals_2d = psf_padded - fitresult.flux_bck[1] - fitresult.flux_bck[0] * bestfit_model
cost = fitresult.cost
x_center = psf_image.shape[1] // 2.
y_center = psf_image.shape[0] // 2.
# return fitresult
#circularize theta
values['theta'] = values['theta'] % (np.pi)
errors['theta'] = errors['theta'] % (np.pi)
if fitresult.success:
centroid = (x_center + fitresult.dxdy[0] , y_center + fitresult.dxdy[1] )
return FitResult(names=parameters,
background=fitresult.flux_bck[1] if fit_background else None,
return FitResult(names=parameters,
best_fit=np.nan * np.ones_like(guess),
errors=np.nan * np.ones_like(guess),
background=np.nan if fit_background else None,
centroid=(np.nan, np.nan),
#return fitresult
def from_fitter(self,results):
self.image_2d = results.psf
self.flux = results.flux * 1e-20 #erg/s/cm2/AA
flux_Jy = 3.34e4 * (self.wvl_um*1e4) ** 2 * results.flux * 1e-20
self.mAB = -2.5 * np.log10(flux_Jy / 3631.)
except ImportError:
logging.warning('Package "maoppy" is not installed [not required]. Cannot use MAOPPY PSF model.')
## LINE SPREAD FUNCTIONS #######################################################
[docs]class LineSpreadFunction:
This is the interface all Line Spread Functions (LSF) should implement.
z_cunit = 'Undef'
[docs] def as_vector(self, for_cube):
Should return this LSF as a 1D vector shaped [for_cube].
for_cube: HyperspectralCube
:rtype: ndarray
raise NotImplementedError()
class NoLineSpreadFunction(LineSpreadFunction):
A point spread function that does not spread anything, and returns the cube unchanged.
Passing this to the instrument's lsf is the same as passing None.
def __init__(self):
def as_vector(self, for_cube):
returns the identity LSF with ones
:param for_cube:
shape = for_cube.shape[0]
return np.ones(shape)
def __str__(self):
return """[LSF] :\n type = undefined """
class VectorLineSpreadFunction(LineSpreadFunction):
A custom line spread function using a provided 1D `vector`
that should have the same length as the cube's (z).
Should be centered around zo = (zsize - 1) / 2 - (zsize % 2 - 1)
def __init__(self, vector):
self.vector = vector
def as_vector(self, for_cube):
return self.vector
def __str__(self):
return """[LSF] \n type = Custom """
[docs]class GaussianLineSpreadFunction(LineSpreadFunction):
A line spread function that spreads as a gaussian.
We assume the centroid is in the middle.
fwhm: float
Full Width Half Maximum, in units of CUNIT3
def __init__(self, fwhm):
self.fwhm = fwhm
def __str__(self):
return """[LSF] :
type = Gaussian
fwhm = {i.fwhm} {i.z_cunit} \n""".format(i=self)
[docs] def as_vector(self, for_cube):
# Std deviation from FWHM
sigma = self.fwhm / 2.35482 / for_cube.z_step
# Resulting vector shape
depth = for_cube.shape[0]
# Assymmetric range around 0
zo = (depth - 1) / 2 - (depth % 2 - 1) / 2
z_range = np.arange(depth) - zo
# Compute gaussian (we assume peak is at 0, ie. µ=0)
lsf_1d = self.gaussian(z_range, 0, sigma)
# Normalize and serve
return lsf_1d / lsf_1d.sum()
def gaussian(x, mu, sigma):
Non-normalized gaussian function.
x : float|numpy.ndarray
Input value(s)
mu : float
Position of the peak on the x-axis
sigma : float
Standard deviation
:rtype: Float value(s) after transformation, of the same shape as input x.
return np.exp((x - mu) ** 2 / (-2. * sigma ** 2))
[docs]class MUSELineSpreadFunction(LineSpreadFunction):
A line spread function that uses MPDAF's LSF.
See http://urania1.univ-lyon1.fr/mpdaf/chrome/site/DocCoreLib/user_manual_PSF.html
.. warning::
This requires the mpdaf module.
Currently, the MPDAF module only works for odd arrays.
model: string
See ``mpdaf.MUSE.LSF``'s ``typ`` parameter.
def __init__(self, model="qsim_v1"):
self.model = model
from mpdaf.MUSE import LSF
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("You need the mpdaf module to use MUSELineSpreadFunction.")
self.lsf = LSF(typ=self.model)
def __str__(self):
return """MUSE LSF : model = '{i.model}'""".format(i=self)
[docs] def as_vector(self, cube):
# Resulting vector shape
depth = cube.shape[0]
odd_depth = depth if depth % 2 == 1 else depth+1
# Get LSF 1D from MPDAF
if 'micron' in cube.z_cunit.lower():
wavelength_aa = cube.z_central * 1e4 # unit conversion from microns to AA
z_step_aa = cube.z_step * 1e4
wavelength_aa = cube.z_central
z_step_aa = cube.z_step
lsf_1d = self.lsf.get_LSF(lbda=wavelength_aa, step=z_step_aa, size=odd_depth)
sigma = np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2*lsf_1d)-np.sum(x*lsf_1d)**2) * cube.z_step
self.fwhm = sigma * 2.35
# That LSF is of an odd depth, truncate it if necessary
# FIXME @nicolas : this is a hotfix, not really pretty, how can we do this better?
if depth % 2 == 0:
lsf_1d = lsf_1d[:-1]
# Normalize and serve
return lsf_1d / lsf_1d.sum()