Source code for galpak.model_sersic3d

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
    import math
    import numpy.math as math

from scipy import special
from import fits
from copy import deepcopy
    import bottleneck as bn
except ImportError:
    import numpy as bn

from .galaxy_parameters import  GalaxyParameters
from .model_utilities import modelPlots, ModelExt
from .model_class import Model
from .math_utils import flux_sersic

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('GalPaK: DiskModel ')

[docs]class ModelSersic(Model,modelPlots, ModelExt): """ The first and default galpak `Model` (when unspecified). It simulates a simple disk galaxy using `DiskParameters`. flux_profile: 'exponential' | 'gaussian' | 'de_vaucouleurs' | 'sersicN2' | 'user' The flux profile of the observed galaxy. The default is 'exponential'. See If 'user' provided flux map, specify flux_image. Currently unsupported thickness_profile: 'gaussian' [default] | 'exponential' | 'sech2' | 'none' The perpendicular flux profile of the disk galaxy. The default is 'gaussian'. If none. the galaxy will become a cylinder. rotation_curve: 'arctan' | 'exponential' | 'tanh' [default] | 'isothermal' | 'NFW' | 'Burkert' | 'mass' | 'Freeman' | 'Spano' The profile of the velocity v(r) can be in (with X=r/rV where rV=turnover radius): - arctan : Vmax arctan(X), - tanh : Vmax tanh(X), - exponential : inverted exponential, Vmax (1-exp(-X)) - isothermal : for an isothermal halo, Vmax [1-arctan(X)/X)]^0.5 - NFW : for a NFW halo, Vmax {[ln(1+X) - X/(1+X)]/X}^0.5 - Burkert : for a Burkert halo, Vmax {[ln(1 + X) + 0.5 ln (1 + X^2) - arctan(X)]/X}^0.5 - Freeman : a Freeman disk with Vmax=V2.2 - mass : a constant light-to-mass ratio v(r)=sqrt(G m(<r) / r); where m(<r) is the cumulative mass profile with m(<r) = \int I(r) 2 pi r dr - Spano: for a Spano 2008 profile, Vmax {arcsinh(X)/X - 1/sqrt(1+X2)} See The default is 'tanh'. dispersion_profile: 'thick' [default] | 'thin' The local disk dispersion from the rotation curve and disk thickness from Binney & Tremaine 2008, see Genzel et al. 2008. GalPak has 3 components for the dispersion: - a component from the rotation curve arising from mixing velocities of a disk with non-zero thickness. - a component from the local disk dispersion specified by `disk_dispersion` - a spatially constant dispersion, which is the output parameter `velocity_dispersion`. line: None[default] | dict to fit doublets, use a dictionary with - line['wave']=[l, lref] eg. [3726.2, 3728.9] # Observed or Rest - line['ratio']=[0.8, 1.0] eg. [0.8, 1.0] # The primary line for redshifts is the reddest redshift: float The redshift of the observed galaxy, used in mass calculus. Will override the redshift provided at init ; this is a convenience parameter. If this is not set anywhere, GalPak will not try to compute the mass. """ # fixme: use integers instead of strings here and enjoy the performance gain FLUX_VALID = ['gaussian', 'exponential', 'de_vaucouleurs', 'sersicN2', 'user'] THICKNESS_VALID = [ 'gaussian', 'exponential', 'sech2', 'none'] DISPERSION_VALID = [ 'thick', 'thin'] CURVE_VALID = ['arctan', 'exponential', 'tanh', \ 'isothermal', 'NFW', 'Burkert', 'Freeman', 'mass', 'Spano' ] logger = logger def __init__(self, flux_profile='exponential', thickness_profile='gaussian', dispersion_profile='thick', rotation_curve= 'tanh', flux_image=None, line=None, aspect=None, redshift=None, pixscale=None, cosmology='planck15'): if flux_profile in self.FLUX_VALID: self.flux_profile = flux_profile else: raise ValueError("Flux parameter should be one of self.FLUX_VALID",self.FLUX_VALID) if rotation_curve in self.CURVE_VALID: self.rotation_curve = rotation_curve else: raise ValueError("Rotation curve should be one of self.CURVE_VALID", self.CURVE_VALID) if thickness_profile in self.THICKNESS_VALID: self.thickness_profile = thickness_profile if self.thickness_profile == 'exponential': self.logger.warning("Exponential thickness profile will be deprecated") else: raise ValueError("Thickness profile should be one of self.THICKNESS_VALID", self.THICKNESS_VALID) if dispersion_profile in self.DISPERSION_VALID: self.dispersion_profile = dispersion_profile else: raise ValueError('Dispersion profile should be one of self.DISPERSION_VALID', self.DISPERSION_VALID) self.line = line self.aspect = aspect self.redshift = redshift self.pixscale = pixscale self.cosmology= cosmology self.logger = logging.getLogger('GalPaK: DiskModel') if self.rotation_curve == 'Freeman' and self.flux_profile != 'exponential': self.logger.warning("You have selected a Freeman disk and a flux profile that is not exponential. Use this at your own risks.") if self.rotation_curve == 'mass': self.logger.warning("You have selected the mass disk profile; which only works for gaussian/exponential/sersicN2 flux profile") #fluxmap user if self.flux_profile == 'user': if isinstance(flux_image, str): try: self.flux_map_user =['DATA'].data except KeyError: self.flux_map_user =[0].data else: raise ValueError('Flux user image should have data in DATA or extention 0') elif isinstance(flux_image, np.ndarray): self.flux_map_user = flux_image else: self.logger.error("Flux image should be an array or a string") if self.redshift != None : if self.cosmology is not None: self.set_cosmology(self.cosmology) else: self.set_cosmology() #using default if self.aspect is not None: self.q = self.aspect else: self.q = 0.15 #default aspect ratio"Set up model: %s" % (self.__str__())) def initial_parameters(self, runner): """ Returns an instance of a class extending `ModelParameters`. You may omit parameters, they will be automatically set to the mean of the max and min. """ # Default initial parameters init = self.parameters_class()( radius=3.0, turnover_radius=1.0, inclination=30, pa=np.random.uniform(0,360), maximum_velocity=100.0, velocity_dispersion=5.0, flux=runner.flux_est ) return init def min_boundaries(self, runner): """ Returns an instance of a class extending `ModelParameters`. You MUST provide all the parameters. """ # Default boundaries return GalaxyParameters( x=runner.cube.shape[2] / 3., y=runner.cube.shape[1] / 3., z=runner.cube.shape[0] / 3., flux=0., radius=0.8, inclination=-5, pa=-40, turnover_radius=0.01, maximum_velocity=10., velocity_dispersion=0. ) def max_boundaries(self, runner): """ Returns an instance of a class extending `ModelParameters`. You MUST provide all the parameters. """ # changed max radius to 3/8th of cube size. return GalaxyParameters( x=runner.cube.shape[2] * 2 / 3., y=runner.cube.shape[1] * 2 / 3., z=runner.cube.shape[0] * 2 / 3., flux=3. * runner.flux_est, radius= 0.5 * (runner.cube.shape[1]+runner.cube.shape[2]) * 3 / 8., inclination=90.5, pa=400, turnover_radius=0.5 * (runner.cube.shape[1]+runner.cube.shape[2]) * 3 / 8. / 2., maximum_velocity=350., velocity_dispersion=180. ) def setup_random_amplitude(self, amplitude): """ Mutates the random `amplitude` of the parameter jump with custom logic. This is called during the setup of the MCMC runner. The amplitude is already filled with : sqrt((min_boundaries - max_boundaries) ** 2 / 12.) * p / v where p = number of parameters in the model v = number of voxels in the cube """ amplitude['flux'] *= 0.5 # flux since we start at ~flux since flux is an integrated quantity amplitude['pa'] *= 1.5 amplitude['maximum_velocity'] *= 1.5 # amplitude['velocity_dispersion'] *= 1.5 # velocity dispersion amplitude *= 3 # fixme: document this coefficient #CUSTOM METHODS def set_flux_profile(self, galaxy, radius_cube): """ creates a flux_cube in 3D (x,y,z) returns flux_cube """ rhalf = galaxy['radius'] if self.flux_profile == 'de_vaucouleurs': flux_cube = flux_sersic(radius_cube, rhalf, 4.0) elif self.flux_profile == 'gaussian': flux_cube = flux_sersic(radius_cube, rhalf, 0.5) elif self.flux_profile == 'exponential': flux_cube = flux_sersic(radius_cube, rhalf, 1.0) elif self.flux_profile == 'sersicN2': flux_cube = flux_sersic(radius_cube, rhalf, 2.0) elif self.flux_profile == 'user': if len(radius_cube.shape)==1: #then measure 1D profile from parameters flux_cube = self._user_profile(parameters, radius_cube) elif len(radius_cube.shape)==3: flux_cube = self.flux_map_user[None, :, :] # @fixme need thickness? else: raise ValueError("set profile with a 1d vector or 3d cube") else: raise ValueError("Flux profile is invalid. Should be one of '%s' ." % self.FLUX_VALID) return flux_cube def set_velocity_profile(self, galaxy, radius_cube): """ creates a velocity profile for circular orbits return v_profile """ max_vel = galaxy['maximum_velocity'] rt = galaxy['turnover_radius'] x = radius_cube / rt # Flat rotation curve if self.rotation_curve == 'arctan': v_profile = np.arctan(x) * max_vel * 2. / np.pi # elif self.rotation_curve == 'tanh': v_profile = max_vel * np.tanh(x) # For Feng's inv_exp profile elif self.rotation_curve == 'exponential': v_profile = max_vel * (1.0 - np.exp(-x)) # ISOTHERMAL rotation curve; elif self.rotation_curve == 'isothermal' : v_profile = max_vel * np.sqrt(1 - np.arctan(x)/x) elif self.rotation_curve == 'NFW': v_sq = ( np.log(1+x) - x / (1+x) ) / x #peaks at x=2.16 v_sq /= ( np.log(1+2.16) - 2.16 / (1+2.16)) / 2.16 v_profile = max_vel * np.sqrt(v_sq) elif self.rotation_curve == 'Burkert': v_sq = (np.log(1+x)+0.5*np.log(1+x**2)-np.arctan(x)) / x # peaks at x=3.24 v_sq /= (np.log(4.24)+0.5*np.log(1+3.24**2)-np.arctan(3.24)) / 3.24 v_profile = max_vel * np.sqrt(v_sq) elif self.rotation_curve == 'mass': v_profile = self._fv_newton(radius_cube, galaxy['radius'], max_vel) elif self.rotation_curve == 'Freeman': #Using Freeman disk. Vmax = V2.2 v_sq = self._v_disk_sq(galaxy, radius_cube) v_profile = np.sqrt(v_sq) elif self.rotation_curve == 'Spano': # From Spano et al. 2008: # and Hernandez-Hernandez et al. 2019 v_sq = 1/x * np.vectorize(math.asinh)(x) - 1. / (1+x**2) v_profile = max_vel * np.sqrt(v_sq) else: raise NotImplementedError("Rotational Curve not supported. Should be '%s' " % self.CURVE_VALID) return v_profile #Private methods def _v_disk_sq(self, parameters, radius): ##disk Freeman model y = 1.68 * radius / parameters['radius'] / 2. B = special.i0(y) * special.k0(y) \ - special.i1(y) * special.k1(y) # # Swinbank # V(r)^2 = 0.5 (GMd/Rd) * (3.6*x)^2 * (I0K0-I1K1) # # Eq. 2.165. BinneyTremaine 2008 # Vsq = 2 * (G Md/Rd) y**2 [I0K0-I1K1] # Vsq = 4 * (G Md/Rd) 0.5 * y**2 [I0K0-I1K1] B1 = 0.1934 #y^2 B(y) peaks at y=1.1; v_disk_sq = parameters['maximum_velocity']**2. * (y)**2. * B / B1 # 2 Vdisk_sq * B1 = Vmax_sq return v_disk_sq